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10 Solutions for Creating Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

Chaunri | 12:06 AM | ,

10 Solutions for Creating Cross-Platform Mobile Apps
Is this an exciting time to be developing mobile apps? Short answer: Yes.
With tons of tools already available — and more springing up all the time — there seems to be a solution for any mobile app developer out there (experienced and novices alike).
In this article, we look at 10 solutions for building cross-platform mobile apps. They were chosen for their varied levels of complexity, price, features and documentation. I’ve tested each of them.

1. Sencha Touch 2

Sencha Touch 2
If you’re no stranger to HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, then Sencha Touch 2 may be a great choice for creating mobile apps on iPhone, Android and Blackberry.
Sencha Touch 2 needs to be installed on your computer (it works on PC, Mac or Linux). You also need a web server running locally on your computer (here’s how to install XAMMP if you need help).
Visit their Kitchen Sink app to see Sencha Touch 2 in action.

Sencha Touch 2 Summary

2. jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile is an HTML5 user interface framework for touchscreen devices. The jQuery Mobile framework is straightforward and well documented. What’s great about jQuery Mobile is that it has an online tool called ThemeRoller to help make the creation of your user interfaces quicker.
To do server-side stuff, you could use a mobile app development platform like PhoneGap (which we’ll discuss later); the official site has documentation on how to use PhoneGap with jQuery Mobile.

jQuery Mobile Summary

3. Tiggzi

Using jQuery Mobile as its base, Tiggzi is a drag-and-drop tool for developing mobile apps. You can add standard buttons, menus, video, maps and other elements to your mobile app and then bind events and corresponding actions to them.

Tiggzi Summary

  • Knowledge required: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML
  • Platform support: Android, iOS, Mobile Web
  • Cost: $15-$50/month (there’s a free plan); see Pricing page
  • Documentation: Tiggzi has a lot of good tutorials, videos and other resources on their site

4. AppMakr

AppMakr is an online tool for creating content-centered mobile apps, as well as a service that can help you distribute your app in many app stores. You can import RSS feeds that AppMakr will package into a mobile-optimized app.
There’s no programming required to create your app, though you can add custom HTML.

AppMakr Summary

  • Knowledge required: HTML and CSS would be helpful
  • Platform support: iOS, Android, Windows Phone
  • Cost: $79/month (free if you allow them to place ads in your mobile app)
  • Documentation: They have good video tutorials including a walkthrough of the app store distribution process

5. iBuildApp

iBuildApp is a tool for creating mobile apps. They have a good selection of templates for many different types of apps, and you can have your app featured in the iBuildApp Gallery.
iBuildApp provides many options you can add to your mobile apps, including e-commerce options and a way to embed web pages inside your app. iBuildApp also provides a SOAP web service that allows you to easily create, retrieve, update or delete content.

iBuildApp Summary

  • Knowledge required: HTML and CSS would be helpful
  • Platform support: Options available for iOS and Android export
  • Cost: $9.99/month (free if you allow them to place ads in your mobile app)
  • Documentation: They have good tutorials on how to use their service

6. Widgetbox

Widgetbox offers an easy-to-use web tool for creating and hosting simple, content-based mobile apps. You can create pages for your app containing RSS feeds from blogs or social media sites. You can also add custom content using HTML and CSS.
Check out the mobile app directory for a listing of apps created by Widgetbox.

Widgetbox Summary

  • Knowledge required: HTML and CSS would be helpful
  • Platform support: Compatible with most modern web browsers
  • Cost: $25-100/month
  • Documentation: They have support, FAQ, and a knowledgebase

7. foneFrame

foneFrame is a mobile HTML5/CSS3 framework for creating mobile-optimized web pages. You can then use PhoneGap or appMobi XDK for the backend. foneFrame is also an excellent way to easily wireframe a mobile site.

foneFrame Summary

  • Knowledge required: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Platform support: Compatible with most modern browsers and platforms
  • Cost: Free (license: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License)
  • Documentation: The template has inline documentation

8. PhoneGap

PhoneGap is a free, open source software that serves as a bridge between individual mobile OS SDKs, which have their own programming languages and standard development practices.
Using PhoneGap, you can support multiple mobile device operating systems easier. You can create a mobile app using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, and then use PhoneGap to package your work for specific mobile operating systems. PhoneGap also integrates directly with Dreamweaver, which can make mobile app development even easier.
PhoneGap support includes iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, WebOS and Symbian.

9. PhoneGap Build

PhoneGap Build
The folks at PhoneGap have gone one step further in creating a web-based platform that creates your "builds" for you. It’s called PhoneGap Build. This service presently supports iOS, Android, Blackberry, WebOS and Symbian.
With this service, you can upload your HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, and PhoneGap Build will generate the files you need for distribution in leading app stores.

10. appMobi XDK

appMobi XDK
appMobi XDK is cloud-based mobile app development environment that’s available as a Google Chrome plugin. The appMobi service will also host your mobile app for you, as well as provide you with the ability to deploy it in popular app stores. Though the service and hosting are free, they have add-on services like push notifications and e-commerce solutions you can use to enhance your mobile app.

About the Author

Deltina Hay, author of The Bootstrapper’s Guide to the Mobile Web, is a web developer, publisher, and small business owner. Hay teaches the graduate Social Media Certificate course for Drury University. Her video tutorials can be found on YouTube and Udemy. Connect with her on Google Plus and @deltina.

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Samsung Galaxy Note 2 release date: Android-based Galaxy Note 2 rumors, details

Chaunri | 11:21 PM | , ,

The new Samsung Galaxy Note 2 release date has been a hot topic for Android smartphone lovers lately. The gadget is expected to make a big debut in late August on the T-Mobile network, and there are already rumors of other Android smartphone makers attempting to outdo the Galaxy Note 2, before it even launches.
If the rumors about the Galaxy Note 2 release date are correct, the hot Android device will launch in early September, just after the late August preview. This would put the smartphone on sale around the same time as the highly-anticipated iPhone 5. That is of course if all those iPhone 5 release date rumors, pointing to September, are accurate.
How does the Note 2 compare to other smartphones on the market though? An article from earlier today at G for Games says the "Samsung Galaxy Note 2 will come with a 5.5-inch display, [an] improved processor and improved camera." The larger display is certainly a perk most smartphone fanatics are going for these days, and who could argue with a better processor and camera?
Perhaps these new Samsung Galaxy Note 2 rumors are what have caused Apple to plan an event for September? After all, the two companies have been at war for a while, and now have taken matters to court over patent issues. It will be interesting to learn the outcome of this smartphone battle.
Subscribe for up-to-date details on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the iPhone 5, and other gadgets as they emerge. Want even more updates on the Galaxy Note 2, and other devices? "Like" this Smartphones & Tech Facebook Page.
